TurboGears, a slap-it-together-web-framework for Python The title of this blog entry isn't intended to berate TurboGears or make it sound like it's created with or intended for shoddy workmanship. Hey here. Just dropping by to leave you a line. Nice blog you have here, you are already on my bookmark list :p
When you have time, you might be interested in dropping by my self help and self improvement website. Every month I interview success people (millionaires, memory experts, motivational speakers, etc) and you can model their success. Is that simple. It has a lot of information about self help and self improvement. Well, talk to you later.
TurboGears, a slap-it-together-web-framework for Python
The title of this blog entry isn't intended to berate TurboGears or make it sound like it's created with or intended for shoddy workmanship.
Hey here. Just dropping by to leave you a line. Nice blog you have here, you are already on my bookmark list :p
When you have time, you might be interested in dropping by my self help and self improvement website. Every month I interview success people (millionaires, memory experts, motivational speakers, etc) and you can model their success. Is that simple. It has a lot of information about self help and self improvement. Well, talk to you later.
By generationysuccess, at 8:35 p. m.
Hi, I just spend the last couple of hours blog surfing and came across your blog!
If you are interested, go see my Energy Efficient Lighting related site. It isnt anything special but you may still find something of interest.
By a, at 8:49 p. m.
buenas las fotos, puro talento el cotapos
By Anónimo, at 3:24 p. m.
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